15 definitions by +Fizza+


when you think something is really harsh or stinks
"Davey ran out when heard me preggaz"
"Bellend! That's sucky"
by +Fizza+ November 23, 2005
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basel ganglia

1)Bunch of nuclei in brain that deal with movement

Also, much like 'forget about it', has many meanings and you gotta emphasize your mood when you say it else people get confuzzled

2) You agree with someone
3) You disagree with someone
4) You think something is the greatest thing in the world
5) You want someone to go to hell
6) You think something sucks
7) You think someone is a mook
8) You think someone is a bullshitter
9) You sympathise with someone

1) "The basel ganglia helps control most basic motor skills"

2) Sandy: "My gig's gonna be a roksoka!"
Nav: "Sure"
Fiz: "Basel ganglia"
Sandy "Aha, safety!"

3) Claire: "He misses all of us"
Fiz: "Basel ganglia, he wouldn't give a shit even if he could find his ass with both hands"

4) JJ: "That is my favourite too"
Fiz: "No doubt, it's the basel ganglia"

5) Luis: "Eyes left, it's Fiona, Ash's posh bitch!"
Fiz: "Basel ganglia!"

6) Fiz: "This Basel ganglia, wish I was free"
T-Cakes: "Can't they do it anotehr day?"

7) Fiz: "Ruth is...*grr*"
Yahweh: "...basel ganglia?"
Fiz: *nods* "A basel ganglia"

8) Mz: "Is it true?"
Fiz: "Some's gotta be but she's sucha basel ganglia I can never tell"

9) Aaron: "Go blown in the head when you miss someone"
Fiz: "Basel ganglia! *le sigh* Jeez, heavy for ya, no Qs"
by +Fizza+ November 23, 2005
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moving to Poland

to move private thing to safe place eg. moving porn files into a file called 'Poland'.
"gimme five, i'm just moving to Poland"
by +Fizza+ September 25, 2005
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1) a v scrumptious sweeticle, black n long
2) a security guard or bouncer (occasionally a police officer)
3) at party, any kind of authority like a teacher or a parent
1) "mom, you eat all fuckin 8 of dem blackjacks?"

2) "hold up, dat blackjack's onto us he's been skirtin round for 10 mins"

3) "dem fuckin blackjacks like to sneak up don't they? swift bastards"

"stop skumpin, blackjack 10 o'clock, bringin sausage rolls"
by +Fizza+ October 29, 2005
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marijuana, pot, hash, ganja, weed...
"why da fuck am i so damn grogged?"
"you been sold some pure disco shit bluff my friend"
by +Fizza+ July 20, 2005
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get red

to get yourself looking stunning and seductive for night out, shortened from: get ready
"i'll drop round with your corset, you cna get red then we'll pick up the bottle"
by +Fizza+ November 27, 2005
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"me n Ash wer skumped to Beyonce at Claire's partay"

"woah woah nuff skumpin dat blackjack is wochin you!"
by +Fizza+ October 29, 2005
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