6 definitions by Click here

You have to be at least 18 years old in order to enter this night club, and you may buy an alcoholic beverage if you are 21 or older.
Official New Year's party. Doors open at 10pm. Men $10, ladies $8. 18 to chill, 21 to spill.
by Click here January 22, 2009
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You have to be at least 18 years old in order to enter this night club, and you may buy an alcoholic beverage if you are 21 or older.
Official Halloween party. Doors open at 10pm. Men $6, ladies FREE. 18 to stay, 21 to play.
by Click here January 22, 2009
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pun of 'sealife centre'. Used to refer to the feeling in the middle of your chest (heart) when you realise you are just a gangsta.
"just took a trip to the g-life centre, know what I'm saying?"
by Click here May 15, 2015
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A stupid person; someone who doesn't do anything correct.
by Click here October 9, 2014
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