I don't see why everybody's saying that it's only asians who type with alternating capitals and bad spelling that post there, since I do and I type with almost flawless spelling and grammar and I don't complain about my life or talk about my suicidal tendencies. I use it to get things down on "paper" so I can keep track of my life when it gets too hectic. In any case, my definition of "xanga" is simply an internet based diary that other people (who choose to) can read and comment on. I admit, it is dominated by poser asian 12-year-olds, but there are plenty of people who just use it to express themselves because it's more convenient than a diary or journal. Beleive it or not, some people actually DO care and not everyone there is a preppy asian girl without a life. End of story.
My xanga:

Hello...I think this is a good way to express myself. I also like to keep a wtch on my brother's stupid girlfriend. Habits are hard to break....especially the "..." at all my returns.....oops....
by Erin January 14, 2004
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a website that i use to let pple kno how miserable and pointless my life is
wow, my friend got shot 2day, thats definitly goin on my xanga
by mike March 4, 2004
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Actually a pretty decent way to spend an afternoon if you do a search for "goth", "depressed", or "emo."
Them:"i hurt inside. i cut myself again today."
You: *Pbthhhh* WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
by Squeed February 15, 2005
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A place where people write about things they do, politics, anything. It depends what you write about that could either make it a good habit or a bad one. You meet lots of weird people and most are "lifeless" psychos (the more you post the more loserish you become... in some cases).
Oooh, this frikker keeps posting on my xanga!!
by ViCtoRia!! May 26, 2004
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i like to self-adulate every aspect of myself on a web journal while telling people about my problems when 20% of them don't care and the other 80% are glad i have them!
1) I'ma BLONDE now! i look so, different? Fits so well with me.

2) Monday, February 14, 2005
Ahem... Today was FUCKING retarded. Every FUCKING moment of it. SHIT I think that I was FUCKING pmsing or something... God DAMN this FUCKING SHIT. I wanna FUCKING kill my FUCKING SELF. Why was I FucKING born this way? Why does people have to be such FUCKING jerks. SHIT! DAMN I FUCKing hate myself. Shiet...
7:20 PM - 46 eprops - 23 comments

Note: These are actual weblog entries.
by ark February 28, 2005
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A very popular weblog.

Xanga has wonderful features:

A very vaque and troublesome updating method!

Gullible teen users that are looking to get laid!

Limited templates that are an ass to change or make yourself seem like an individual!

Tedious windows that log you out after you close the window, whether you wanted to or not!

And oh so much more!

All the cool people are doing it, why not you?
"Do you have a xanga?"

"Why yes, I do!"

"What's your username?"


by Chien_Ein October 9, 2004
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It started off as a journalsite but is now formerly known for their icon thieves, who are stealing icons from Livejournal users.
Pretty often, those people join webrings to promote their xangas with their icon collections.
Not all are hotlinking. And not everbody claims them as their icons. They are basically just too lazy to make their own icons and have no respect at all in artwork.
LJ User1:
Oh man, I know. I am so sick of all the mass hotlinking that seems to be the only thing that Xanga is used for! I lost count of how many times some random person came to my journal and commented with something like, "Um, hey, just so you know, there's a shitload of your icons hotlinked over --here--," and if they hadn't've told me, I wouldn't've known about it.

Also, the fact that Xanga appears completely useless and stupid is just kind of accentuated by this sort of thing, and just sours me toward it more.

LJ User2:
holy crap these sites make me REALLY pissed off
and their entry makes me laugh
"im having problems uploading icons"
UPLOAD?! LOL! no trouble THERE when you're just hotlinking! is "uploading" POSTING them on their "sites" to them?! LOL pppppppahtetic -____-
by ~dominique January 2, 2006
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