Adding a "W" to a defined word because of a lack of education and assumed meaning. The incorrect spelling of reckless.
Dewde, youre spellingz r sooo wreckless!!!!
by Chuck R0ast January 18, 2011
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People who do what they want, when they want, wherever they want, to have fun and show they don't give a fuck. Crazy Mother Fuckers.
Amanda: "You're trying way to hard to win, chill out"
Savino: "Shut the fuck up cunt, I'm wreckless"
by t0nydehtigeh November 26, 2010
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2 examples include:
“Ohhh Shit I pulled a Tbair last night damn I’m wreckless

“Tyler is more Wreckless than a sex crazed Grizzly Bair
by DOC CoCKTAPUSS January 1, 2018
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Often-misunderstood-by-adults term used by teenagers to honestly describe their early years of careful and accident-free driving ("my early wreckless years"). Parents and authorities, naturally, are usually way too thick-headed and closed-minded to realize what the virtuous teens are referring to, and so they continue to criticize the teens as being scatterbrained and out of control, rather than praising them for their exceptional lifestyles and commendable habits.
Parole officer: So, young man, I understand you've been drinking for three years now?
Teen: Yeah, I started way back in my wreckless years.
Parole officer (disgustedly): Ahhhh... so you had no brain-sense back THEN, either, eh?
Teen: No, no, no... what i meant was ---
Parole officer (impatiently): Nah-ah --- no need to explain. I believe I am getting the picture perfectly loud and clear. I'm gonna recommend another three months' probation for the likes of you.
by QuacksO April 3, 2012
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