Best type of person there is, aside from vegans, who don't eat any part of animal corpses or anything derived from animals' carcasses.
Chloe is a vegetarian.
I'm thinking of going vegetarian.
by Crazy-sheep-girl July 27, 2006
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A pratitioner of the act of vegetable genocide be it for cultural, environmental or medical reasons. (see also, herbivore)
by radio August 9, 2003
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usually good people but sometimes can preachy. Can be confused with nazi vegans.
I like vegetarians, just not the ones that get all preachy up their own assholes.
by Mister Bo Jangles345 June 21, 2006
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1. (n) One who abstains from deliberately supporting the killing of animals (esp. for food) by avoiding animal products that necessitate killing (mammal/bird/fish flesh, milk, etc.) <i>Often reduced to the practice of avoiding meat consumption; the term vegan denotes a pure vegetarian.</i>

2. (adj) A quality of food such that it is derived from no animal products (often reduced to <i>meatless</i> as <i>vegetarian (n)</i>)
1. "He's a vegetarian--he refuses to pay into a system that depends on killing animals."

2. "It's almost vegetarian! There's just a little milk."
by joehaer July 5, 2005
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someone who stands up for their believes; humans are no better than other animals, that we are all equals.
someone who realizes that not only is it evil to kill other living, breathing, thinking, feeling creatures, but that by eating them we will all just get fat, have a greater risk of breast cancer, and die more quickly.
1\meat eaters Adj.\stupid losers who are to weak to do what they know is right;Also see "stupid Crackers"
Vegitarians: awesomeness;Also see "Me!"
by Sabrina August 18, 2003
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A person who does not eat meat. Or, pollo vegetarian= eats poutry
pesco vegetarian= eats fish
and there are many different varieties
lookit! an awsomelly cool vegetarian chick eating tofu! rawk!
by anti-homopobic April 19, 2003
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an amazing person who has the self control to not eat meat, which is viciously slaughtered in filthy surroundings. a vegetarian is someone who believes animals have the right to live and do not deserve to be exploited for their meat. meat eaters are terribly selfish, simple minded people who do not know what goes in in slaughterhouses. there are laws that allow slaughterhouse animals certain rights, and slaughterhouses often overlook these laws until they are caught. the sadistic and disturbed workers take their frustrations out on the animals in absolutely malicious ways.

oh and for the guy that commented about how plants are living organisms so being vegetarian is pointless... YOU need to read a biology book. vegetarians do not eat ANIMALS, no one ever said anything about organisms... plants may be organisms but they DO NOT feel pain, and they are not animals in any form, they feed through photosynthesis, divide their cells by mitosis (not meiosis as animals do), and THEY ARE COMPOSED OF COMPLETELY DIFFERENT KIND OF CELLS THAN ANIMALS. (plant cells have a large central vacuole, cell wall, and chloroplasts.)


here is just ONE disgusting company that abuses animals... KFC!!!!
"Employees of Kentucky Fried Chicken, one of the biggest fast-food chains of poultry, were caught in July 2004, torturing their chickens for fun. Workers were videoed stomping on chickens, kicking them, and slamming them violently against floors and walls. Workers also ripped the animals' beaks, twisted their heads off, spray-painted their faces, and squeezed the chickens' bodies until they would die."

by greenandgreener April 21, 2010
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