The reason so many people are born in November.
I was born in November because my parents celebrated valentine's day.
by youdontsmellbad September 3, 2004
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1)holiday maliciously created to make lonely people extremely depressed.
2)a corporate conspiracy conceived by candy makers, rose growers, lingerie stores, and jewellers to get people to spend money on junk.
Valentine's day? I've had days at the dentist's that go more enjoyable than that day.
by Frickin Sad and Frickin Lonely October 19, 2003
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"Is it Valentine's Day again?"
"Yes. Oh darn, I'm single. I don't get anything overpriced from my temporary lover."
by This Cat February 14, 2004
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The reason why so many people are born in november
"When is your birthday?"

"November 14th"

"Hm, not suprised..."

"Eh, why is that?"

"Valentines day + 9 months = November 14th"
by Martar August 11, 2008
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The glorious day out of the year when pot hub premium is free.
Guy #1: so what are you doing this Valentine’s Day ?
Guy#2: pornhub is free today, bruh
by The guy over there February 15, 2018
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Examples proving I am correct about Valentines day:
Enough said.
by Xyrena May 25, 2007
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