Online game whos developers constantly change trying to get more users to sign up, all the while nerfing all the classes periodically.
by Fakie May 5, 2003
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Fun game for the first few months after that its pretty boring but you just cant stop playing!

Do not pay monthly for ultima!!! play the free versions!!! age of shadows sucks! I say go with UOR or even better pre UOR.
Ultima Online is a very addicting game

I play Defiance free shard.
by stewfoo January 9, 2005
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1. A weird and wonderful land beyond the nethermost north wind that some nineteenth-century mystics once imagined to be inhabited by incredibly evolved blond blue-eyed people known as the Hyperboreans. Proof positive that some people had way too much to drink.

2. Somewhere you see when you are paralytic drunk.
Belief in Ultima Thule barely survived the arrival of nuclear submarines at the North Pole.

After ten pints of lager and a few shots of absinthe or whiskey, he's headed for Ultima Thule.
by Fearman January 25, 2008
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common creature, may live in a basement, loves guitar hero and apparntly his cousins

may uncontrollably start doing guitar hero button sequences

one of the last ttm's to play rs
ultima bustr: lol ggrybogryb is hard
tim: get a girlfriend
nirv:2girls 1cup
by uuuu February 8, 2008
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A feeling that could be described as the ultimate Combination of Horny and Heart Horny which is felt when seeing or thinking about someone you deeply care about. It pretty much means you want to hug and cuddle someone while fucking the shit out of them at the same time. So horny but with a very emotional element to it. The main issue with this state of emotion is that it can not be easily resolved by Masturbation or Cuddling alone. Recommended solution would be to cuddlefuck which is honestly pretty self explanatory.
"Dude, I´m so Ultima Horny right now."
"How come?"
"I haven´t seen my Girlfriend in a while so thats probably it"
by ZickZackZICKZACK May 25, 2019
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A massively multiplayer online role playing game. (MMORPG)
Won an award for most played online multiplayer game.
<Ultima Mage> Haha, I just got done training my Magery and now I own Ultima Online.
<B-Zor from other Ultima Online Definition> Yeh, well u sux, u fux.
B-Zor has been slain.
<B-Zor> YOU SON OF A...
B-Zor has been slain.
by Matt Curley April 7, 2003
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