Where you take your dick and put it into tuna and you have someone perform oral sex.
Her: WTF!!!
Him: I made you the fish stick

Her: Is that tuna?
Him: your favorite ;)
by zippyclean January 17, 2019
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A term referring to a male Fishs' penis. It's used to make people look like gay fish. Made famous by South Park.
Guy 1: Do you like Fish Sticks?

Guy 2: Yeah!

Guy 1: So, you like to put them in your mouth and chew on them?

Guy 2: Of course!

Guy 1: ..So, you're a gay fish?

Guy 2: ....
by R-Ill April 9, 2009
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Fish Sticks(noun)
Pronounciation- \ˈfish ˈstiks\

A play-around word coined by "Jimmy" and "Cartman"(Half-Credit for eating potato chips.) from the animated TV series "South Park."
Man A- Do you like Fish Sticks?
Gay Fish- err, of course yo...
Man A- Do you like putting Fish Sticks in your mouth?
Gay Fish- um, guess so...
Man A- Then what are you a gay fish?
Gay Fish- er, wanna buttsecks in the pool?
by Proper English Slangs April 14, 2009
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When you have sex with a girl, pull out, cum on her chest, dip your dick in it and shove it in her mouth.
She wanted dinner, so I shoved a fish stick in her mouth!
by filthy pirate hooker June 21, 2009
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getting a girl to give you a blow job after having sex with a different girl and no cleaning your pecker in between
"After I boned Bridgette, I went to Carissa's place and slipped her a fish stick."
by darren phillips August 7, 2003
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a term used in a joke that singles out kanye west, he just couldn't understand it.
man1-hey, do you like fish sticks?
man2- yah.
man1-so you like putting tehm in your mouth?
man2- um yah.
man1-so your a gay fish?
by emzlay June 6, 2009
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A finger inserted into a vagina and then quickly smeared across the upper lip of a lucky recipient.
"Josh was being naughty so I slyly gave him a fish stick. He loved it!"
by Josh Dingus December 8, 2009
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