Make a list of people you don't like then you have a bunch of people wack off in a bucket then put some milk in it mix it around then dump the contents on a person on the lists face while they are sleeping.
We had that bitch cindy stay the night and she was on the bucket list haha!
by RustyDildo July 16, 2008
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A list of things you'd like to do before you die, like visiting the Grand Canyon, falling in love or falling into the Grand Canyon.
Yay! Now I can cross "murdering Steve" off my bucket list!
by TumblingLeafDragon November 26, 2015
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A list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket".
I need to remember to add skydiving to my bucket list.
by CharlieD December 18, 2007
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As previously mentioned it refers to a list of things to do before one dies. It originates from the term 'to kick the bucket' , itself a 17th century term meaning'to die'.
I've just been to the Great Wall of China - I can scratch that one off my bucket list.
by Manfred j March 15, 2018
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A type of data structure used in database design
Our project will be a user generated database full of bucket lists for different cities, universities, and areas of your choosing.
by Reticulum12 November 2, 2012
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Shit you must do before getting married because your future wife will crap on your plans
Fuck dude... Let's do Mardi Gras this year and knock it off our bucket list cuz your future wife ain't going to be cool with all dem' titties
by MakeItWayne March 1, 2017
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