Tool-Assisted Speedrun, n. Refers to a speedrun of a video game, using an emulator's slowdown and rewind functions to reach an inhuman time. TASes do not use cheats (though glitches are fair game), meaning that in theory, anyone could replicate a TAS on a real console, though no human has the reflexes to do so.
Hey, did you check out that awesome TAS of Super Mario Bros.?
by -Bent- May 3, 2007
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The Asian Standard - these are generally recordings of games played up to Asian standards. Specifically, a TAS player
- aims for fastest time
- takes damage to save time
- abuses programming errors in the game
- manipulates luck
Acceptable times for a TAS are 11 minutes and 50 seconds to complete Super Mario Bros 3, but that's just barely good enough.
B: Whoa did you see this TAS? He beat Super Mario Bros 2 from start to finish in 8 minutes and 16 seconds!!
A: I play like this all the time.
by Lyomi January 17, 2013
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People who are not quite popular, nonetheless witty, funny, appreciable and psychologically fat.
Je l'apprécie Grégoire. C't'un vrai tas. (I appreciate Gregory. He's a genuine tas.)
by Edgar Pruviance May 27, 2009
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1. man i just tassed all over my sheets - derek
2. holy h4x! omf tas! kthxbi - akira
by john doe September 29, 2003
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1. To take a shit
2. Term used to refer to feces
3. or whatever else mark feels like using it for
1. I need to tas
2. Look at that huge piece of tas on the floor
by The urban dictionary man September 25, 2003
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Toxic Anger Syndrome

individuals who struggle with anger management problems, otherwise known as Toxic Anger Syndrome
Bob: I dont have a damn anger problem I hate people who cut me off!

Bob: I want that guy to pull over so that I can punch him in the face!

Roger:Man I think you have a anger problem

Roger: they call it "TAS" Toxic Anger Syndrome
by Steveo In OC November 16, 2010
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