This is a word used by Miss 12 O'Clocks for the female genitalia.
My friend's going to beauty school so I let her shave my stuff--but I didn't know there'd be an audience!
by sky April 28, 2005
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verb, sports term. To block a scoring attempt, or to block a player with a fair amount of force so as to stop them in their tracks.
"Kobe goes for the easy lay-up... and is completely stuffed by Shaq!"
by Tengu April 1, 2005
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dude dont touch my stuff. hey put my stuff back. don't grill my stuff.
by tylertopia September 30, 2003
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When a female puts paper/tissue/etc into her bra. This results in making her breast seem larger, thus attracting males.
That bitch Leah went home to stuff her bra.
by Treg September 3, 2003
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I accidently got some stuff in my partner's eye when I was playing around last night.
by digirampage February 27, 2009
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In reality, it means to fill something, as in the stuffing of a turkey. But in slang (and this is a slang dictionary), it can mean anything that there is in the whole damn world.

Suggestion: do NOT use this when conversing with your Language Arts teacher, they will get very annoyed.
teacher: how do you write a good essay kids?
student: i dunno, you just write some stuff...
by jimbobjoeshmoecheese January 24, 2004
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