One word to mean them all
(as stated in lord of the stuff ;) )
wow u can actually stuff that stuff into that stuff with out stuffing any stuff up ?
by Stuffie May 15, 2004
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Stuffs, n; a pluralization of the word 'stuff' which describes a superset of complex emotional experiences that can cause challenges and distractions with day to day activity.
"Holy, poop! I have so much stuffs going on I need to organize and reconcile as its bringing me down!"


"Baby, I'm sorry you lost your dog and job in the same week. I'll help you with your stuffs."
by JeffHartweg August 23, 2017
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everything you want, don't want, love, hate, sorta hate, kinda like, might wanna throw out the window, hit with a bat, protect with insurance, love to death, can't live with out, annoys the shit out of you, bugs you when you don't have it, or makes you wanna piss your pants.
Look at all that stuff. You have to much stuff. I hate that stuff. I love that stuff.
by AsTuFfPeRsOn November 20, 2009
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Anything bad, not legal, contrary to law. Sexploitation, stealing and dealing illegal substance.
Tony and Davis are doing 'no-no-stuff' in the back of a car - as Jenise would say.
by Anonymous August 12, 2003
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have intercourse with, fill (an orifice)
I stuffed that chick last week
I stuffed her cunt twice and her asshole once before she passed out drunk
by Prp Guy March 31, 2006
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