a shortcut word which is basically "stoned" and "tired" together.....at the same time......
"Naw man I don't want to go to the skate park, I just got off work and burned a blizzy and I'm stired as hell."
by Gentleman "G" February 15, 2009
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Looking for trouble.
Is an Asutralian term that comes from when people would shove a stick in a hollow log and stir vigourously in order to provoke a violent reaction.
1. Quit Stiring him up

2. this blokes going round stiring up the possums
by Daniel "The_Monkey_Pope" Tucker February 15, 2005
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"Small Town Inbreeding Reverse Evolution"
This happens all too often in shitty little provincial ex industrial towns, particlary where there is high unemployment and lack of local expenditure. Basically anyone with half a brain cell leaves for somewhere better as soon as they are old enough to leave home. Nobody ever moves there because things are better elswhere. Only people who are too retarded to get a job anywhere else remain. They then sign on, breed amongst themselves and produce even more retarded offspring and so the cycle continues. Evolution in reverse so to say. Common situation in many parts of northern England. In years to come the local inhabitants may physically devolve into lower level life forms such as fungi or plancton.
I wouldn't move there if I were you, the place is STIRE!!
by Dr Juice February 1, 2004
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When you having sex and decide to take chopsticks and shoves it up a girl's ass, stiring it around a little to expand the whole before anal.
Dude I was stiring the pot for like 20 seconds before giving it to her!!
by johnyeros February 3, 2009
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When you play with a guys cum in your mouth.
After he shot his load in her mouth he looked up to see her stiring the smoothie.
by alwaysinthedark March 7, 2015
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