To be twice as evil as Hitler and not receive any credit for it.WTF? Why is everybody always pissin about that sick fag Hitler and his Nazi homo buddies when Stalin and communism/socialism is way more evil?????
Source: The Communazi Killer, kill fags, Sep 2, 2005

Look,Hitler was a sick,evil fag and sucked many men's balls,but Stalin was just as sick and just as evil and just as gay AND THEN SOME!!!!
Stalin also has a swarthy moustache!
by a ha ha ha November 4, 2005
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Great man who rebuilt Russia not once, but twice.
Stalin had to save Trotsky from Trotsky.
by Bolshevik May 9, 2005
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"I love the way Stalin killed more people than Hitler, and that a majority of them were his own people. What a fuckin hero."
by VainVane May 8, 2016
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A legendary Hero to the soviets who most people didn't realize it should cost some lives to take power and make a country strong.

I wish I could be that powerful

Also Stalin means "Man of Steel" in Russian
by King of Emos November 20, 2006
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Greatest man of history, primarily responsible for the defeat of Nazism and Fascism. Leader of history's greatest nation, who built the world's foremost industrial superpower out of an essentially agrarian nation in a matter of decades. Only man whose great strength and enduring example can lead the modern world forward out of the morass it has created for itself since the loss of the USSR.
by Stalinist September 18, 2006
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Stalin is man now becomes a symbolfor the revolution which is by the people
people means worker classfor the people
of the people.The great proletariat leader
who dictates against all the ghosts (like
imperialists,feudalists,..)of people.
Comrade Joshef Stalin of USSR
by gkmstr May 17, 2005
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