A round white pill similar to alcohol in it's effect, a 1/4 version of quaaludes. For whatever reason, soma are very soft for a pill, and tend to break if you handle them too much.
I bought a huge bottle of soma, half of them were already broken.
by Valerie March 29, 2005
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a perfect sleep,a perfect high,a perfect drug with no side effects but a feeling of euphoric love, also the name of the high...(love is like a soma) not a real drug...project 86 did this song too
"hug me till you drug me honey,kiss me till I'm in a coma,hug me, kiss me honey, snuggly bunny, love is as good as soma"

-Aldous Huxley
by Nik BallsOsteel July 20, 2006
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<anatomy> The whole axial portion of an animal, including the head, neck, trunk, and tail.

Origin: NL, fr. Gr, the body.

Source: Websters Dictionary

(01 Mar 1998)

by percytiddlywinkle September 24, 2003
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white pill that when taken it bulk results in memory loss, and lots of udi's
man, i ate so many somas last night, what was your name again?
by Nikki September 26, 2003
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The Main character in Castlvaina; Aria of Sorrow.

Full name: Soma Cruz

Age: 18

He is an exchange student studying in Hakuba, Japan. His presence is strangely daunting and people find him difficult to approach.
When Soma and Mina Hakura go to watch the solar eclipse, they suddenly lose consiousness.
by Light Joker July 17, 2004
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Firstly Soma is my name, a kurdish girl's name.
it can also be a hungarian boy's name (i don't like to mention that)
also a cool drug, good song and so on.
Hey Soma, how are you?
I smoked some somas last night, wow man!
by Soma February 4, 2004
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A wild Somoan. Like that dude with the necklace.

Rafael Marquez is Mexican.
"Billy, answer the phone, you prick!"

"But dad..."


"Soma, answer the phone.
by G Raffe November 28, 2005
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