N. a name you call someone who represents a 'small child' or 'little bean' as in, they are more innocent than others.
look at johns sweatshirt with the birds on it! he's such a little smushy
by kay gall$ November 30, 2016
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A name a couple madly in love uses to call the other person. A pet name.
Amanda: "I love you smushy!"
Christopher: "I love you too, smush"
by cm191 April 25, 2011
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When I view your website on my mobile phone the images look all smushy.
by WebDev September 3, 2015
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Soft yet firm. Nice to put your face in. Can't get enough of it. Perfect erotic texture.
OMG Paul your face is so smushy. Mmmm I just wanna kiss you. Yum.
by Reenizle October 18, 2010
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When something is soft and mushy.
That chick's titties are very smushy.
by he's tiny! October 1, 2007
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adjective used to describe something squishy but is not exactly squishy
mmmmm the sand under my toes feels smushy
by joshular February 1, 2010
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