When you are having sexual intercourse doggy style in a port-a-potty and as your ready to climax you shove the girls face in the blue solution in the bottom of the toilet causing her whole face to turn blue.
We were hooking up in the port-a-potty and i smurfed her.
by HMK715 June 1, 2012
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1)v-to smurf; to perform sex;to fuck
2)n-a small blue entity whos race consists of 137,947.85 men and 1 woman
1) Dude, you got lucky last night? That is freakin Smurf.
2) Dude, as soon as we got out of the bar, she started smurfing me
by Karl Bohn April 8, 2004
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When a male is giving sextual intercourse to a female, and then ejeculates over her stomach, and then mixes his sperm with blue food coloring and makes the sperm blue, creating a "smurf" like substance.

(The girl later has a blue-dyed stomach for a week).
Jake- "Oh man, i heard about last night"
Bill- "Oh yea. Angela totally liked it"
Jake- "Everyones saying you gave her a smurf. True?"
Bill- "Hell yea, i did."
by flopedyflop November 29, 2009
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A drunken prank where you take a blue marker(s) and proceed to color the majority of the face and/or body of someone who has violated the "don't pass out with your shoes on" rule. for maximum LULz use a blue sharpie.
dude i got you so hard, pay back is so sweet. next time don't be a meanface and you wont get smurfed.

did jon just pass out with his shoes on, grab that blue sharpie over there he deserves a smurfing.
by sonnywangs July 4, 2010
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so what happened with the hot chick from the bar, i smurfed her , shut the smurf up, no its true, SMURF YA!
by family guy February 20, 2005
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the act of sexual congress between two smurfs
Took her in the parking lot. She smurffed me
by Speedy November 1, 2003
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a sort of vernarial Disease.
I got the smurfs.

I need to get my privates checked for the smurfs.

Please god don't tell me I have the smurfs.

Great,my dick is blue, I got the f-in smurfs!!
by Jburker July 11, 2008
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