the books, magazines, or other reading material that one leaves in the bathroom to stave off the boredom of shitting.
Dude, why don't you have any good shiterature?

"America: the Book" is among many other good reads in my collection of shiterature.
by pspczar January 30, 2006
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A piece of writing so bad, that calling it literature is an insult to other writers in the world. Usually found in college workshops and are written about things the author obviously knows nothing about. Bad grammar and spelling is a must. Mary Sues/Gary Stus are also welcome.
Did you read Zola's story? It was a piece of shiterature! why is she in the creative writing department?

That drek on is a collection of shiterature!
by mollydolly April 16, 2008
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any book, magazine, letter, pamphlet, or any other type of literature one may take to read while sitting on the toilet
I need to find me some shiterature to make my crapping experience more enjoyable.
by Kamileon K. October 14, 2005
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Literature placed in a bathroom for a shitter's reading enjoyment.
"I saw you had a couple of Playboys for shiterature in you bathroom. Just so you know, wacking off on the crapper is a capital offense."

"The only shiterature you can find in an airport bathroom is some peed on newspaper."
by -=JDP=- April 23, 2008
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Articles, magazines, books or any other reading material left for you to read while you are going #2 on the toilet.
Joe's favorite piece of shiterature is a Maxim magazine.
by Joey D. July 22, 2005
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A book you read that just wasn't up to par with what you expected.
Guy 1: "Dude, the zombie survival guide sucked"

Guy 1: "Total shiterature"

Guy 2: "You're slow..that book is awesome!"
by ProfessorOak January 6, 2009
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a bad/disliked book

from the combination of shitty and literature
by sixthree December 6, 2006
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