1. A woman or man who supports women's rights and respects women's issues

2. Female hero
An etymologically unmotivated analysis of hero as he-ro. (hero is Greek; 'he' is rooted in Old English).

Many consider it reduntant, as hero is the gender neutral term; heroine the gender specific term.
1. Joss Whedon is my shero. He works with Equality Now, an organization working to end violence and discrimination against women across the world
by Where do we go now? August 4, 2006
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A man or woman who fights for women's issues, but usually used for women.

An obnoxious word that is built off of the word "hero", which is not native to English and etymologically unrelated to "he" and "she". "Hero", strictly speaking, is gender neutral now and "shero" specifies gender, contrary to feminist efforts to make language gender-neutral; way to shoot yourselves in the foot, feminists.
"Heroine" can be used in a positive way; drop the "shero" and use "heroine" to describe a strong, intelligent woman and the connotations will change. Or just use "hero" if you don't want to differentiate.
by Lorelili December 2, 2007
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A hero/heroine is someone who fights for human rights in general. Expanding on general "heroism", a Shero is a man or woman who stands up specifically for female rights.

In order to be considered as a Shero, one must DO something to help the women's cause, or be a historical figure who was unconventional in their thinking for that time of what females can do.

Feminism is the belief in equality for all women; sheroism is the action.
Tamora Pierce is my Shero. She co-founded www.sheroescentral.com, where I can discuss womens rights with people from all over the world! In the male-dominated market of teenage fantasy fiction, her books contain the most kick-ass female heroes who go on to become Lady Knights.
by GoldenGirl August 3, 2006
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That girl just saved my life! She's my shero!
by jjrajani69 November 6, 2005
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A mythical creature thought to dwell in the Allegheny Mountain region of Pennsylvania. Known for its erratic behavior and pension for all things violent the Shero is thought to be the Anglicized German word for snipe. As in a snipe hunt.
Let's go on a Shero hunt.
by FriendlyGuy October 6, 2009
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A woman or man who supports women's rights and respects women's issues
Christina Aguilera is my shero.
by gbeann January 8, 2005
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A Pokemon that is shiny and has 0% IV in Pokemon Go
I sniped a shero Lapras off of the coordinates feed
by xxeliza321xxx September 24, 2020
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