Originating from the words shop and talk, it began used when discussing all things relevant to the Vancouver Canucks. It has now evolved to be used in countless other applications (see examples).
"Hey Shappy, how's the shap?"
"What's your shap on the game?"
"You shappin' over later?"
"You hear that milt's shap on Luongo?"
"I got shap!"
"Your shap is the top shelf, milt free!"
"Shap late!"
by Vitamin_V12 October 27, 2011
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Shap = Shit + Happens. However, SHAP can be used in conjunction with other words or acronyms, like, Shapadoo, Shapadon't, Shapado etc. SHAP + anything is possible, like, Shapallelujah. The possibilities with SHAP are endless, so have fun.
Guy #1: Dude, my girlfriend just broke up with me last night.
Guy #2: SHAP!
by FjordIsABaller April 18, 2014
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Leroy, you've been in there for 20 minutes. What, are you shapping?
by Rozma December 2, 2012
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To shap is to shit and fap simultaneously.
Guy 1: "Hey, have you seen Steve?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, he's having a shap."
by TopNotchTopHat May 5, 2014
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A south african phrase for describing an agreement or when saying bye or genrally meaning okay.
Eg:wow dude did you see that beautiful car.

: yoo it was shap man

Eg: heres your change.

: thanks man, shap shap.

Eg: you have to turn right at the junction

: shap
by David makua July 13, 2019
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A bastardisation of the words "shitting" and "fapping".
It is the act of masturbating while defecating at the same time.
"I need to go take a shit"

"Then why are you grabbing lube?"


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a combination of shit and crap. Used when you cannot figure out which form of the word to use.
"Dude i ran over your dog's tail."
"OH Shap! you retard!"
by Raddichio April 7, 2005
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