A:All the furniture in the store is on sale today?
B: Yeah. The whole place is packed. You'd better shake a leg before it's all gone.
by Hotcha711 September 7, 2010
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Let's go down to the club on 5th and shake a leg.
by MashaC October 13, 2005
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shake a leg to clear extra space in your stomach
I'm full.............well, shake a leg, give it a moment, and continue.
by ryan golls June 13, 2011
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as girl from the projects needs to really queef she screams "Shake a leg" at all the girls in warning to stay away from her or else.
by wisehuff December 6, 2009
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That moment when you eat her out and she hit a climax (which is basically an orgasm ) and her legs shake, if her legs shake that’s a good sign that means you’re about to make her cum
Leg shake
Boy: imma dick you down tonight
Girl: ok
**Later that night**

Girl: moans*
Boy: you like that!
Girl: Yes *legs shaking*
by Catsarebetterthandogs January 18, 2020
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she is pissed off bro!!!....so dont do anything thats gon set her off she will smack the fuck outta you!!....Run jus run bro!!!!
after an argument or a fight if she shaking that leg.....RUN!!! leg shaking after a fight aint good mane
by yuurrsskkiii November 9, 2020
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After you have intercourse with a truck you call your nearest indian truck driver for a quick refueling of your donkey ridden cowboy rooting tooting sister fucker bean eating mexican. so you may continue collecting used cum rags off the street to resell for a abortion pills for your truck.
aaahhhh man i can't wait to shake a cats leg
doc my cat needs mdyea back can you shake a cats leg mlady
by Morhal ez truck stop 2 August 16, 2019
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