Being slid, in a manner in which the scrotum is caught underneath the buttocks.
A nurse caused scrotumitis to a male patient, while maneuvering them to the edge of a bed to help them up.
by StPatricksDay March 18, 2018
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House for cute little wormy things that will eventually turn into people.

Also sometimes known as a ballsack, testicle protector, bowling ball bag, cherry cover, huevitos, bag, ballpark, bawbag (Scottish), bean bag, bollock sack, coin purse, codlings, duffle bag, dulap, footbag, knapsack, mud flap, nutsack, sack, scrot, scrote (Australian), sporran, tea bag, treasure chest
Bruh you came from a scrotum lololol

*looks at newborn baby*
Without my scrotum, you’d be nothing.
by Smartguy987654321 June 3, 2020
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Acronym for Super Capitalists Ruling Over The Unwashed Masses.
The very real irony of the incoming president filling out his cabinet with SCROTUM is that none of them has any real balls.
by paulpaxman January 16, 2017
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Often told that a scrotum is a urn of ashes.

He he he he scrotum! What's a scrotum? It's a urn of ashes. I don't belive you. Hey band bus do you know what a scrotum is. Hahahaha hehehe! Everyone saying it's a urn of ashes. It's not a urn of ashes.
Do you know what a scrotum is?
No I don't.
It's a urn of ashes.
by BigOopsieHehe October 3, 2019
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The skin under a guy's dick that surrounds his balls and is quite stretchable and fun to twist and play with.
I enjoy standing in front of a mirror, spreading my legs, and watching my scrotum just hang and dangle.
by cantbetheking August 30, 2013
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A way to describe a flasher flashing his testicles at you.
I know officer it was strange. That crazy old man was flashing his scrotums at me.
by Alex Rosenstock May 7, 2008
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A big boy word for Ballsack, Mostly used with Fancy folk
“My, My, Rodrick has a rather large scrotum!”
by ShaiKai June 12, 2019
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