Short for Straight-edge. One of it's originators is Ian MacKaye of Minor Threat and Fugazi. This is the trend that's sweeping the nation slowly making it's way into the lives of most scene kids. Usually distinguised by the black "x" on their hands at hardcore shows. They commit to not taking drugs, drinking alcohol, having sex (until marriage) and for some also going vegan. For the extreme edger no cursing either. I myself have noticed very few dedicated edgers out there. Most claim straight-edge but don't live by it. They'll drink, smoke cigarettes, perform other sexual acts (ie oral) as long as its not intercourse. Edgers in other words are fairly hippocritical and think they're better than you because they lead "pure" lives. This leads to some violence to. Which you'd think would be no-no to somebody who thinks everything else is the devil.
He's not sxe, I got drunk with him last night.
by IxHatexU IxLuvxU August 31, 2005
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pretty much a choice to live life without habit forming activities. The most common of these is no drinking, no drugs and no casual sex. Most sxe kids go to shows in groups together, and mark their hands with big black "X"s to represent they don't drink and volunteer to put the X on their hand. They also two-step and hardcore dance, which is common especially at Straight Edge shows! I personally live by the straight edge lifestyle, and it probably saved my life.
emogirl-"like omg do you see those kids whatre they doing?"
sxeboy-"they're stepping, duh."
emogirl-"rofl i should have seen the X's on their hands XD
here are a few examples:
by xxxchanelforrealxxx June 16, 2007
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Straight Edge. Toxin Free. Purist. Crutchless. Take your pick. NO drugs, No Drink, No Fuck!
sXe is a lifestyle and a total commitment to purism of the body, and hence the mind.
by Grendel October 19, 2003
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to the morons that tried to be hardcore over the freakin internet and said that straight edge people are only emo and think they are better than everyone else, "you are really retarted" just cause someone is edge doesnt mean their emo and doesnt mean they think their better than people who do drugs and drink, im straight edge because i want to have a clean life, not be better than you guys, i even hang around people who do that stuff and i dont look down on them a bit, my friends are the coolest guys to hang with, please give up this stereotypic lifestyle and try to understand soemthing before talkin shit
being sxe is the only way for me
by anonymouslam September 20, 2006
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abbrev. for straight-edge. straight-edge is a movement of people who want to retain prudish christian systems of morality but portray themselves as "badass" at the same time. not all straight-edgers are violent, but violence certainly isn't one of the things a sXer takes a vow against.

they generally fall into one of two categories:

1. prudish sXe- these are the non-violent ones that are content to feel self-righteous about upholding a christian lifestyle (even though sXe is "not" christian).

2. nazi sXe- the ones that kick people's asses because they do drugs. yeah that makes sense, personal freedom is a bad thing, but beating the shit out of people who disagree with your set of ideals is just great.
"i was just trying to enjoy a beer when this group of 20 sXe kids surrounded me, smashed my beer and pinned me down as they beat the shit out of me and cut me with the broken bottle!! fuckin sXe nazis, don't they have anything better to do, like blow up an abortion clinic?"
by beeba January 5, 2005
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People who seem to want to ignore all the pleasures available to them in life. And don't seem to realise that even sugar is a drug. Makes about as much sense as christianity but, shockingly, actually manages to be less fun.
Don't preach to me until you've taken the time to actually experience drugs yourself.
by Zachary March 29, 2005
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You can ask someone to have sex while being dyslexic
Jerry: wanna have sxe today?
Amanda: what is sxe?
Jerry: Im dyslexic
Amanda: Sex? sure
by Rueote November 25, 2021
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