sXe is short for straight edge. This means that you dont smoke, do drugs, or drink. sXe is a lifetime commitment, not just until you're of age. It also often means that the person says not to promiscuity and perverted forms of sex.
by Anonymous May 29, 2003
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sXe isn't just a commitment, it's a way of life, as well as a form of music related closely to hXc (hardcore). since it's a personal decision to be straight edge, it shouldn't be looked down upon as being "fucking stupid" or "pussy" because a person chooses not to partake in certain things such as sex outside of a commited relationship, illegal drugs, etc.
travisXe: hey kids, did you make it to the xbrutal fightx show last weekend?
jean: what makes you think i would be crazy enough to miss that? they're the best sXe band EVER!!
by XmissjeanX June 8, 2003
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Straight edge is a way of life free from drugs, alcohol, and promiscuous sex. It originated in the original hardcore and punk scene. When bands would play at all ages venues, minors were required to have X's put on the top of there hands, signifying that they were underage. When one band member, Ian Mackaye from the band Minor Threat, decided he was going to where the X's on his hands even though he wasn't underage but still free from drugs and alcohol, he built a community of people that were drug free. Straight edge eventually evolved into keeping yourself clean, and not harming your body.
some people mark themselves in tatoo's with the sxe signia,
because to most it is a life long commitment

venues that still mark X's on minors hands in the orange county area include, but not limited to: Hoques Barmichaels, The Galaxy, and the choachhouse
by xChasex June 30, 2006
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SxE is an abbreviation of straight-edge. Straight-edge is a lifestyle, in which a person will not drink, smoke, do drugs or have any kind of permiscious/perverted sex. Straight edge also breaks off into even smaller groups, vegans and vegetarians, Christians/religious groups, nazi/hate edge, gay edge.

Most straight edgers frown upon hate edge and hardline. Hardline is a more conservative type of straight edge, started in the late 80s by bands such as Youth of Today and Judge. Hardline is anti homosexuality, extreme veganism and Christian values.
Minor Threat are a sxe band. Ian Mackaye coined the term straight edge and influenced many young people.
by crustfan April 10, 2007
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sxe=straight edge
meaning you don't drink or do drugs
it's not something you change your mind
about every five minutes.
it's a commitment that you make.
mr. tambourine man: hey you want some chronic?
sxe person: nah dude i'm straight edge.
i dont do that crap.

by uhh_nikki September 8, 2008
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Alright people, you are a bunch of retards! It does NOT mean sexy. It means that you have taken a personal vow not to ever drink, do drugs, or smoke. Get a clue will you?
by Kay August 18, 2003
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No drugs
No alcohol
No casual sex

Being straight edge is not something you decide to be one day; it takes time and thought.

Don't boast about it or put down others who don't follow such ways. The whole point of it is to respect oneself and others.

sXe is not a trend. It started before any of those stereotypical labels were even invented and it will be here when they all die out.
To all those people who think sxe is for emo, goth, or any of those lame terms: go read a book.
by flkjslkfjlkgl December 24, 2006
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