A lonely man completely devoid of any future. This creature is elusive creature can be found in the basement of his parental units home or lurking around the womens locker room. He lacks confidence and self esteem. These type of people tend to spend long hours role playing other characters so as to distance themselves from their own miserable lifes. If you ever encounter on of these please run as fast and far away as possible or they will suck the life right out of you, or give you raging hemroids broght on by sex with sheep.
Sorry Son. Your being a Rocee. You need to move out.
by Strongbads son August 5, 2004
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GUY 1: Dude come for a skate?
GUY 2: Yea i just got my new Roces, they are off da hook
by ***Williams*** January 2, 2008
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Slick, Sly, Incognito, Clever
The fox is very roce.

To run get away from the Law enforcement officers (Po) you must be very roce.
by Chris F. , Scott M. April 12, 2004
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see smacktard.

An egotistical moron who covers there mistakes with more excuses.
Don't be such a rocee, you aren't persuading anyone.
by Galliant August 5, 2004
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a ridiculous, boisterous person who uses the internet as a source of strength and power; smacktard
Jan realized that guy is such a rocee.
by definer August 5, 2004
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Ragin hemroidal puss brought on by sex with sheep.
Someone who is very alone and plays too many video games.
by Donut August 5, 2004
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A very tenacious, determined and strong woman who loves her family and friends. She does not know about hate but if you hurt her, she will erase you from her life forever.
She will always enclosed herself to heal and do not share her pain only her joy. If you ever come close to one of them let her be and do not try to change her because she will accept you the way you are.
Rocelis is a strong woman.
by Soloyo November 23, 2021
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