To raid the refrigerator for food and snacks. Especially when at someone else's house.
1.) I'm crazy hungry. I'm going on a refrigeraid.

2.) Wtf? You went on a refrigeraid and stole all my tacos?!
by 0rph November 28, 2010
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The suspect responsible for various refrigerator-related thefts. The true identity of the refrigerator is often never discovered and so measures to further protect food and perishables must be made.
Beware of the refrigeraiders. There have been some thefts in the area.

Becki: Has anyone seen my scallops?
*collective silence*
Amanda: ...the refrigeraiders are at it again.
by 313vagina April 19, 2009
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to raid ones fridge and pinch food such as icecream chocolates and beer and leave...
jane " where did all my chocolates go after that party we had"

mick " must have been a bloody refrigeraider"
by mkennedy October 26, 2009
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