Oh shit, I just watched CNN... Fuck, man, that fuckin' Rake Yohn is even sicker than I thought.
I hated Rake Yohn before all of this, but now I hate him even more. If I ever see him, I'll beat the shit out of him.
by mom mom's blues March 23, 2004
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A rake Yoan. Brother of Shovel Yohn.
Rakeyohn is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by fuCKY December 5, 2003
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Long hairy guy who hates musturd .Bro of Art Webb 1986
Rake yohn is teh mann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SpiTe December 14, 2003
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Recent intelligence has led authorities to believe Rake Yohn has fled the country, heading possibly to Afghanistan or Pakistan. The matter is now in the hands of those local authorities.
by Jayson Blair March 15, 2004
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The smoothest pimp around.
Whazzup? My namizzle is Rakizzile Yohnizzle. Wanna fizzle?
by Rakizzile March 1, 2004
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