What most of the world is run by.
A lot of our CEO's, politicians, and bankers are psychopaths.
by Dubiks August 31, 2018
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Psychopath is a person that is mentally unbalanced and poor human control as they have a deranged and disturbed mind; their personalities are crazy demented, perverted, criminal, amoral and unpredictable. They exhibit antisocial behavior, inability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, they're often prone to committing violent acts, have extreme egocentricity and show no remorse and empathy for anything that they have done, that is either embarrassing or crazy and don't care about anyone who they hurt as they care about nobody else, except for themselves. They fail to learn from the consequences of bad experiences whenever something has gone wrong as they're impossible to be disciplined and they don't learn from their past mistakes and take it out on others.

A psychopath can also be a sadist as well, which can make them even more dangerous and more violent. As there is a difference a sadist on its own can feel a small bit of remorse of that a psychopath cannot.

And most psychopaths are killers and dangerous, not all psychopaths are serial killers and homicidal maniacs.

A psychopath is on the same level and has similar traits to a sociopath such as being manipulative and inability to feel remorse and shame, but psychopaths are worse and most of them are murderous (but not always) while sociopaths are against society.
You're a psychopath! What you did was wrong!! You don't care what you did.. YOU'RE MAD!!!
by Superweapon221 August 3, 2013
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Bernhardine krams.
bernhardine krams is a psychopath
by Urgirlllll September 27, 2018
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people who squirt soap on their hands after washing them
That guy is a psychopath! He makes Urban Dictionary posts using a Fire TV!
by A SvddenZaz Account January 1, 2022
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A person who puts milk in before cereal.
Wife: *pours milk before cereal*
Husband: “holy shit I married a psychopath
by Footlongsub March 5, 2021
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Dan McDermott..... That's it... All you need to know
Alright "Psychopath" settle down, your not ripping anyones throat out tonight.

Who is that "Psychopath" running down the middle of the road with no shirt screaming MEAT!!! Ohhh... Just Mcdermott
by Bystander 911 September 23, 2013
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A man or wamen that acts good when being watched, but when they go home, they kill 7 male cats a day and eats 69 uncooked sausages. They sleep in their basement on every 3rd Monday of the month. They like to put glue on their corndogs. They may or may not drink chicken and eat Pepsi. They are so insane that they would never consider switching to Geico to save 15% or more on car insurance.
by Geico Lizard's BITCH October 8, 2019
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