The act of pre-reading.
"I spent my afternoon preading for the Economics lecture."
by BioSta March 14, 2016
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The act of pretending to read something like a contract on Google terms and conditions or more commonly in classrooms when children are distracted and just pretend to read.
The teacher looks towards Timmy and yells, ''Timmy, are you preading again. Concentrate lad''
by Spinbuster March 2, 2017
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Girls that are...

Look at those dumb preads over there....
by sjbk721 September 22, 2010
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Pr eads:
PRETEND DREADS.. for all those white folks that think it is cool too never brush their hair. To try to appear jamacian or something..Well whity UR NOT bob marley so go away.
Scott: Dude hav u seen alex's hair. it wont stay in the dreads man..

Tyler: yeah.. hah.. waatta bundle of sticks.

Scott: it would help to not use a pansy shampoo.. man he's white.

Tyler: yeah man.. one word: PREADSSS..
by You would want to know May 29, 2007
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i went to wreck beach and almost puked when i saw that old hippy's preads.
by chelseagirrrl March 12, 2010
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