To have poked someone with a boner (a mix between poked and boner).
Occures in situations when someone has an erection and is close with another person.
Me and her were having some RMs (random makeouts), when I ponered her.
by NickGe February 27, 2007
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PONERIZED or Ponerated means that one can no longer make the distinction between healthy and pathological thought processes and logic. One who is "ponerated" is no longer able to draw a line between correct thinking and deviate thinking.
And it's my choice to remove ignorant, ponerated people from my Facebook friends when they argue with me.
by amidala64 June 11, 2010
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An erection that results from having to urinate very badly.
Noah was too shy to use the bathroom at the night club and he wound up getting a poner on the dance floor.
by Chonky June 4, 2007
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A pant boner. The crotch area of any pants or shorts where the zipper rises up, hence making it seem like the person has a boner.
"Dude do you have a boner?"

"No man, it's a poner."
by bakenshake May 1, 2010
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Erin: That guys so hot
Olivia: He just gave me a PONER
Harley: Major poner
by Jesus Christ SAN December 5, 2009
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What you call it when you pwn someone or something so hardcore in a game that it gives you an erection.
Dude, did you see that!? I totally just got two headshots with one sniper round! Oh man, I think I'm getting a poner.
by HoboAC February 9, 2008
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