Piou: An onomatopoeia used to imitate a foghorn or laser sound, which are commonly found in Jamaican dancehall music. Used to display excitement or affection. Always recited in sequences of, though not limited to, 3.
I've been drinking Irish coffee's in my office all day. Who's down for "Happy Hour"? Pioouu!! piou! Piou! Piiooouuuu!!!!
by GEN!$ December 13, 2010
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The level where religious people thinks they are too good and feel like they are above other people to the point where their religiousness backfires in intellect and empathy. In simple terms, FOR SOME PEOPLE, the more you become religious, the less intelligent and empathetic you become.

This paradox is prevalent, especially in Abrahamic religions.
Jamal: You have depression? You must be non-religious and have weak iman.

Here, Jamal illustrates a pious paradox, where he thinks he has never experienced depression because of his "higher level" of faith.
by DOMOQUE October 21, 2020
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1. That dickhead who is constantly compelled to pontificate that they are a superior human being, simply because they drive a Toyota Prius.

2. Toyota Motor Company's facade that they strive to save the world, but, in actuality, they plan to conquer it.
Guy 1. "Pardon me, but I must tell you that your Camero's carbon foot-print is horrible, about 10 times that of my"....( clears his throat, strikes a superior pose, looks down his nose at you )..... "Toyota Prius. You are totally destroying the planet"

Guy 2. "Thanks for the info, Mr. Toyota Pious. How about I stick my carbon footprint up your ass?"
by Art C. Fartsy August 10, 2009
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A person or persons devoted to following and adoring one person/god/goddess.
That pious little shit won't stop following me everywhere I go.
by Gypsy Go Gyrl October 15, 2020
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A person who is a high moral leader such as a (Priest,Preacher,Father etc.)
Who instead of consoled people by understanding their unique circumstance and situation judges them and makes them feel bad!
I told my priest that I was gay but instead of being understanding he was just Pious & Biased
by EmJayee November 21, 2018
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Someone who makes digdig.io videos who used to play Evades.io. His evades.io videos are still more popular than his digdig.io videos.
Person 1: Have you heard of that YouTuber called Piou? He makes digdig.io videos.

Person 2: No.

Person 1: Ok.
by bnjvbjnv October 29, 2022
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