People these days are cruel and they will switch up first chance they get. Everyone on this earth is fake
by Thereallist December 10, 2017
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A day for those that move people via a mode of transportation!
I'm part of people mover day! I run the people mover ride!
by Dan36t December 10, 2018
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White people appreciation day is a day to thank all white men and women on February 12th.

Take this day as a reminder that white people have done many great things.
Guy 1 *did you hear it’s February 12th*
Guy 2 *Yah*
Guy 1 *well it’s white people appreciation day*
Guy 2 *oh yeah*
Guy 1 *well happy white people appreciation day*
Guy 2 *you too*

White people appreciation day” is on February 12th and is a day to thank white men and women for what they have done
by WhiteWangALang January 22, 2020
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I never really realized how messed up and brainwashed the younger generations today really are. I swear the young Biden gentlemen they are even more brainwashed than the Obama generation.
People these days are absolutely nuts
by Rude Crude but Earnest Dude December 8, 2020
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White people appreciation day is on the 12th of February. Take this day to appreciate the things white men and women have done for the world
“Hey it’s white people appreciation day

“Make sure to tell everyone you know to thank white people for all that they have done!!”

National White people appreciation day” Is made to thank all the white people for what they have done
by WhiteWangALang January 22, 2020
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