Paying real life currency to beat players who are inherently better than you in any game.
I'm so glad I pay to win in Hearthstone for all my cards, or I wouldn't even have a shot at beating the actual good players!
by BetterPlayer February 25, 2014
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Pay To Win AKA P2W. when you are paying for advantage which normal players don't have access to unless they either pay too or will have to grind very long (weeks and months).
you can buy a weapon in a game which has 50 damage, while you can buy same type of weapon for REAL money which has 60 damage. that is Pay To Win
you can buy a weapon for 10000 gold, for each 10-15min match you get 100 gold, while you can buy it for real money instantly.
by King Of Hell April 23, 2015
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A disgusting and pathetic human being who pays in games because they have 0 skill and 0 life the only exception is if they do this to kill other ptw then they r nice they most likely use common roasts like 0 father and have a below average intellect ptw for short
Guy1: stop being a Pay to win you pathetic pomogranite.
Guy2: okay no father. Mad?
by Etilhd October 27, 2022
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To instantly gain access to all the game's characters, weapons and abilities with real money.
That dude is level 1 and has all the characters unlocked with the highest tier abilities while I didn't pay and have none, play it dirty and pay-to-win noob.
by didyoupay February 9, 2017
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When you can use money to get a significant advantage over other players in video games.
Prime example: EA Sports
Dude, you’ve spent 400 bucks on this game and yet you still lost to that level 1 with poop gear, what a pay-to-win noob.
by Gdisvvc March 19, 2023
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When you can pay real money to gain advantage in a game.
"Free to play" games like League of legends, being able to pay real life money to earn faster in-game currency, earn faster and more chimps and runes, combined with rune pages. Making it pay to win.
by pay-to-win March 3, 2015
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When you need to pay money to win or get better in the game(have to pay to unlock characters, cars, currency, etc) and that would be the only way to get the feature you want in a game. An example of NOT pay to win is if they’re known as game passes, things that will help you to play the game better or easier. That’s NOT pay to win.
by Bigdick9095 February 4, 2021
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