noise made when farting whilst tightly clenching buttocks.
by dingleberry September 19, 2003
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as in "farting about": A series a needless/inane tasks which are undertaken by the 'parper' prior to going to the pub/cinema/airport etc... such as reorganising the location of house keys, tobacco, lighter in ones bag/pockets for no real reason, checking each room in the house for no reason, indesision of which scarf/hat to wear, whether to take a hat/scarf or not, and which bag to put them in, if taken. Which ultimately results in missing the 1st 15 minutes of the film, missing the flight etc... (it's a chick thing!)
Dave: "c'mon Olive, the films starts in 10 minutes"
Olive: "I'm coming, two minutes"
Dave: "c'mon Olive, the films starts in 5 minutes"
Olive: "I'm coming, one minute"
Dave: "c'mon Olive, the films starting"
Olive: "We're going to miss the start!"
Dave: "well if you didn't spend so much time parping around we'd have got there on time"
by hawkwind dave December 5, 2005
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To 'toot', 'fart' or 'break wind'
"Oi mazz i just did a massive PARP, it smells like rotten eggs'
by pingu lover April 3, 2009
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1. The sound theoretically made by the discharge of either a P-38 pistol or a P-08 Luger into the back of a kneeling victim's head.

2. The act of parping. This involves an elaborate and thoroughly unnecessary process that starts with the parper demanding in a high-pitched Prussian accent that the parpee kneel. The would-be executioner then gives a contemptuous snort and removes his pistol, cocks it with another contemptuous snort, twirls the pistol like a cowboy, before bringing the weapon to bear on the victim's head via a windmill type motion. The deed being done, the parper will give yet another snort of contempt, twirl the pistol up to his nose, inhale the smoke, and then cock the pistol again, ejecting a perfectly serviceable round before returning the weapon to his holster with one final contemptuous snort. It must be noted that this process must be repeated for each victim. Typically those who carry out these executions are members of the SS.
1. A loud "parp" let all in earshot know that Obersturmbannfuehrer von Kleist was once again violating the Geneva Convention.

2. Caught up in the act of parping as he was, Obersturmbannfuehrer von Kleist was oblivious to the reality that his position was about to be overrun by advancing Allied forces bent on crushing Nazi resistance.
by Greg the Angry Pole January 21, 2009
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Dude, I just parped really loud. It was wet.
by esufjlhgvye August 8, 2019
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