When your Bluetooth earpiece don’t connect right so you make up a name to look cool on tiktok
Oh yeah! Thermopoly Sniff?!? The south Sudanese man who played for Serie A?!?
by Notzaina February 6, 2023
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An event where two dogs of different colors, sniff each others butts, at the same time, in the shape of a circle.
That black dog and white dog are engaging in one fierce sniff yang.
by KDUB-GER August 9, 2010
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A phrase describing when a guy is low-key hitting on a girl. Causally testing the waters to get a feel for the odds of him eventually getting some tail. In this context, 'nest' refers to the female crotch, around which he's sniffing.
Guy: 'Why is your phone buzzing today constantly? Who's texting you?'
Girl: 'This dude I met who offered to teach me how to weld.'
Guy: 'Weld? That's weird. He's probably also trying to sniff the nest'
Girl: 'Yeah, probs
by channel_panel September 23, 2018
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1. The act of tripping off a salvia divinorum high.

The term originated from a little known Taiwanese video game based on the movie "Kung Fu Hustle". In order for users to transfer from one instanced zone to another, the user would click a sleeping cat located in the game world. Upon clicking the sleeping cat, users would be prompted with "Sniff the cat?" accompanied by trippy East Indian music.

In a sense, this represented the user taking a psychedelic and transferring from one reality to another. An experience often had by those who smoke salvia.
Guy 1: Hey, want to sniff the cat?

Guy 2: Sure.


by Qualitee December 19, 2010
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Someone that has a really stinky jeb end and can be sniffed from a mile away.
Frank: *walks into bar*
Jacob: "Jesus Frank wash your cock you dirty jeb sniff"
by Polypus September 4, 2015
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Someone who likes to sniff drugs on a large scale
Paula has used all the coke, she's such a sniff monster
by mitch00uk March 26, 2015
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Any person who tries to sneak a sniff after allowing their hand to remain either in their pants or in the crotch region.
by Sam March 4, 2005
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