A standard scale from 1 to 10 used to judge how hyper, loud, or energetic someone is. When out with friends for the night, and someone is being exceptionally loud and annoying, they are "on 12".
Lucy: Is Maria coming out?
Mike: Yeah but that bitch is on 12 tonight!
by TheDarkFlower January 18, 2008
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A day that is significantly luckier than 11/11/11 that everyone should expect to make their biggest wish on.
12/12/12 is much more lucky than 11/11/11!
by dwightonmac54 November 11, 2011
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The date that comes after 12/11/12. Has no real significance in the way we live our lives.
Person 1: Do you know what the date is!?!?
Person 2: Wednesday?
Person 1: No! It's 12/12/12
Person 2: No, I'm pretty sure it's Wednesday.
by Skitzophrenic December 12, 2012
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Dude, last night Bobby was challenged to the 12 in 12 challenge and he accepted! His dick's gonna fall off!!
by Tigs978 December 2, 2009
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The lighting schedule for growing marijuana indoors. 12 hours of sunlight/12 hours of complete/uninterupted darkness.
Just finished the veg cycle, now its time to change from 16/8 to 12/12 in order to determine the sex of my plant.
by amp9041 January 2, 2006
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a 12 for 12 is when you have sex for 12 hrs straight. A 12 for 12 can either go from 12 am to 12 pm or 12 pm to 12 am.
I met this girl and craziest thing we went 12 for 12 homie.
by WestCoastKing03 July 14, 2022
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