something that does not truely exist. The "nonconformists" of the world all act,dress,talk,and think the same. Wasted youth.
The one thing a nonconformist hates more than a conformist is a nonconformist who fails to conform to the laws and standards of nonconformity.
by Jimmy Jazz February 3, 2005
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a word made up by losers who hate people with lives, definition: people without lives
have a nice day
by AngryMan July 18, 2004
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a group of people with nothing better to do than bitch about people who like things, doesnt matter what they like, as long as you like something they hate you. My advice: Pull the stick out of your ass
the fat chick that sits behind me with half her head shaved, and the other half black, wearing a slipknot tee-shirt and smelling like unwashedness
by ethan mcsucksmydick January 19, 2005
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A term often used poorly by people.
Conformity and nonconformity is a spectrum that one exists on. Each have their ups and downs and neither absolute is possible for normal people.

A conformist tends to go along with society's rules more often than most, and tends to do so uncritically. Everyone who is not a psychopath conforms a little. And part of having good manners, morals, and behaviors is conforming to rules set down by people who are long dead and built the society you live in (and probably knew better than you).
A non-conformist is more elusive, but it simply is someone who is an individualist and values their own agency. As with conformist, it's not an absolute for normal people. And many non-conformists are wrong because going against the grain has an inherent risk, especially since most people don't know better. Otherwise everyone would do it
There are some paradoxical overlaps. For example, a non-conformist playing nice to appease people is conforming in a sense but is a practical cost of doing business in the real world.

Ultimately it comes down to how often you exercise control over your own life when you can practically do so. And anyone who uses music, or clothes as an example of their nonconformity is kind of a retard.
"Sarah attended that party because her client needed her to. Such a conformist, doing what people want. Not like me. I am a nonconformist!" Whether this is true or not depends on the station of the person saying this versus the station of Sarah. Whoever has more control over their life is the winner so to speak.
by TheWhateverer November 3, 2014
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A non-existent idea,

-A person that does not conform to musical , social, or fashion trends.

-This cannot exist as everything anyone does is like something someone else has already done. Nothing you dress like will ever be "original" because if it is, it will just look like you are dressing "weird."
-"Nonconformist" 1: I'm a nonconformist because I dress different

-"Nonconformists" 2: I'm a nonconformist because I listen to music you've never heard of

-Normal Person: Isn't listening to different music and dressing different *popular* in itself?

-Both "Nonconformists": WHAT? You're such a conformist, you'll never understand.
by Cy4id3 July 10, 2009
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someone who drinks coffee and does all the same things their friend group does
all you have to do to be a nonconformist is to dress like us and act the way we do

dude, you can't be a nonconformist if you don't drink coffee
by epictoilet59 March 23, 2023
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Someone who does not accept the status quo, aiming for an organic state without the current bourgeois evils:
democracy, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, communism, fascism, nationalism, populism, progressivism, feminism, globalization, market technology, racism, left-right wing dichotomy, economism, organized religions, ecumenism, materialism, gay rights, statism, republicanism, atheism, human rights, totalitarianism, consumerism, humanism, modernism, abortion, international financial system and technocracy.
The nonconformist-aristocrat wants at all costs to prevent the decline of the world.
by tradical July 9, 2022
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