A man who has rejected the societal notion of masculinity and chosen to define himself from the inside out instead, realising that traits such as empathy and nuturing are not actually limited to the female of the species, and nor are aggression and assertiveness limited to the male.

Despite this newfound revelation, however, there is still a strong genetic predisposition for humans to continuously behave as if we were animals seeking out the alpha male with those genes most suited for surviving in a hostile environment.

Often times, the average woman, whom society encourages to indulge in her weaknesses and surpress her strengths, is a self-loathing masochist who may appreciate the nice guy's friendship and understanding, but feels no attraction toward him because his insecurities remind her of why she hates herself. Therefore, she almost always seeks the dominant, aggressive, unempathic male with whom she can vicariously live to make up for her weaknesses. Of course, this inidividual, commonly known as a jerk, is also usually an egotistical, disloyal, and shallow person for whom societal dictates of masculinity will force him to disregard his mate's feelings and treat her as if she were beneath him.

Feeling emotionally unsatisfied, the female will then turn to her nice guy friend, whom she has long since castrated, for comfort, and complain to him about how men suck, except for him, and that he deserves a good girlfriend eventually except that it is never her or any other woman he might encounter.
by Killing Kittens March 1, 2005
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A man who you can call late at night just because you're looking for someone to talk to. He would never speak ill of anyone, never harm a person unless absolutely necessary, never cheat and is always honest. Will help you move just because you're friends and doesn't ask for favors in return. Isn't sleazy and wouldn't take advantage of a person in a drunken or mourning state.

Often times, this nice guy doesn't have a girlfriend because women usually go for jerks and just make friends with the nice guy.
Pity for him, don't you think?
by kavakale July 15, 2004
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An unattractive, emotionally stunted straight male who whines to female friends and dates, "Girls only like assholes. They don't like nice guys like me." Unlike genuinely kind and intelligent men, who easily find themselves in serious relationships, a "nice guy" wards women off with his abrasive personality, self-pity, and/or slovenly appearance, and blames his sexual rejection on the failings of womankind, while simultaneously imagining himself as nothing but God's gift to them. "If only those dumb bitches knew that I'd treat them right!"

Once in a relationship, a "nice guy" tends to either be verbally abusive or extremely clingy and overbearing.
Go into any mixed group of friends. Say that the statement "girls don't like nice guys" is false. The first guy to cry, "But it's true!" is always the most unattractive person in the group, without fail.
by heyprettybaby December 6, 2010
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I dated a nice guy, and it was the best desicision of my life. I'm a woman, and a rather attractive one at that. I used to be the stereotypical cheerleader, you know, with the long blonde hair and more pep than state in space. Anyways, I used to date all the jocks at high school. They were the big manly men, and yes, I had sex with a lot of them. When I was 18, I began strangely feeling slightly disatisfied with my QB BF's. They were the best guys around as my girlfriends would say to me. I had only one male friend who wasn't an athlete I dated or had sex with. I felt like I could tell anything to him. No matter how bad my problems were, he could take them and return a solution to me. Even when grandma died in a car crash, he was there for me. Come to think of it, he really loved me. I feel kinda bad that I didn't realize it at the time. But it doesn't matter now that I'm married to him. He's the kindest, most logical, most loving, best man I could ask for. He said himself that when western civilization comes crashing down, he's going to be holding two things: A gun to protect me in one hand and me in the other. Ladies, if you're reading this, please, for fuck's sakes, actually give nice guy's a fair fighting chance. They won't betray or hurt you. They'll be there for you. They're the most wonderful men ever and I've happy to be married to one.
by Katy132 August 27, 2009
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A form of Man that leads a lonely life and never gets cut a break. Often dies with virginity intact.
by Colony September 21, 2003
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a strait man who has gay man relationships with women
hes a nice guy, he does everything for girls and gets nothing in return
by ultimateniceguy March 7, 2005
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The majority of people who are SELF DEFINED as "nice guys" are usually weirdos that try to act nice in order to hide their awkwardness and pervertness thinking they can fool other people and especially girls. After failing to get positive attention from both males and females instead of trying to actually solve their mental problems they usually end up blaming the society that prefers "assholes" over "nice guys".

The term nice guy has a very positive meaning when used to describe an other person (assuming they do not have in mind the definition above)
-Even if you screw up big time, instead of blaming you and acting like an asshole John will forgive you and help you move forward. He is such a nice guy!

(Someone talking about a genuinly nice guy)

-Even though Im kinda shy I always act nice, never swear and never get into fights girls always ignore me. Why do they prefer assholes instead of nice guys like me?

(A weirdo self proclaimed as a "nice guy" wondering why he can't get laid)
by Skylos May 20, 2017
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