Outdated practice of permanently locking together two people, based on the outdated concept of religion
"A Marriage is a lot like a coffin.. And each kid is an extra nail"
-Homer Simpson
by IkeM October 7, 2003
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Marriage: a legal union between a man and a woman.
Garriage: a legal union between two men.
Larriage: a legal union between two women.
Barriage: a legal union between two bisexuals.
Tarriage: a legal union between two transgenders.
Sparriage: a legal union between a human and another species.
Shamarriage: a legal union of convenience.
Sharriage: a legal union specifically between a man and a sheep.
Swarriage: a legal union specifically between a woman and a swan.
Turduckenarriage: a legal union between a turkey, duck and chicken. (Over-rated.)
Haliarrage: a legal union between a human and E.T. or other alien.
Polyarriage: a legal union between three or more.
What's so magical about the word marriage?

Straight fellow: If I get married I don't want people asking, "what's his name".

Gay fellow: If I get married, I don't want someone to ask, "what's *her* name."

You get the idea. Regardless, most mglbtspshamshswturkendenalipolyharriages will end in one word for which no hair-splitting is required: divorce.
by catcarouser October 21, 2013
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A failing institution people believe will seal their love for each other, or help cut their taxes.
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes debt, arguing, divorce.
by definingmyworld September 23, 2008
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A religious civil union of two persons;
A legal union for the protection of children
In most European countries, no religious ceremony is recognized by the state. (True separation of church and state.) Therefore, all church weddings occur only after a state ceremony.
In the Netherlands, even gays may marry by the state even though the church doesn't recognize it.
After a couple's marriage, all children born are considered to have automatic declaration of paternity.
by anne treasure, St. Croix, VI September 7, 2007
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Only one goal of a love which destroys love forever.
I'm about to find the goal and about to destroy it.
by Damat July 9, 2005
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The unfortunate act of when a woman owns a man and takes over all of his shit, including his house, cars, money and independence.
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Dillon and Nichole are in love so they arranged a marriage.
by nicholeispretty June 21, 2007
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