"Leftist and Progressive" - The kind of person who sent money to Bernie Sanders in 2015-16, hoping that change could be achieved non-violently by working through the political system.
A lot of my friends are L&P types and are angry at the way Bernie Sanders was stabbed in the back by the Democratic Party power structure.
by mistah charley, ph.d. August 15, 2016
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A Kiwi soft drink. Stands for "Lemon and Paeroa" - Paeora being a small Waikato town where the drink was concieved many moons ago, from pure spring water and Lemon flavouring.

While not made that way anymore, it still tastes awesome.
Dion: "You like that? I think it smell like Lemongrass"
Me: "Shut up Dion"
by KeeWee January 11, 2005
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A soda drink made in New Zealand. Stands for lemon and paeroa. Famous for the NZ stubbies ad and it's slogan: "World famous in NZ since ageeees ago."
"Oh bro gimme some of dat L&P!"

"Just went down to the dairy to get me sum L&P."
by xXxshawtyxXx November 27, 2006
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A kind of soft drink.
Manufactured and sold in NZ.
Their slogan is a screwed up one....

"L&P, World Famous in New Zealand."
* Shinosuke drinks his L&P.
<Person1> What L&P??
<Shinosuke> You dont know what L&P is?! It's world famous!!
<Person1> No? Never heard of it.
<Shinosuke> Haha! Of course! It's world famous in New Zealand!!
<Person1> . . .
* Person1 kicks Shinosuke in the nutz.
* Shinosuke dies.
by Shinosuke May 12, 2004
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Looks/personality. Means rating someone's looks out of 10 and their personality out of 10. Usually used on ask fm or on snapchat. Normally seen being used in Dublin
Screenshot for a l/p in chat.

Kate only gave me a l=5 on ask fm the other day!
by Angel4455 March 25, 2016
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An "L/P" is a login/password. It is required to get access to certain sites or servers.
"I need an l/p to access that page"
by Felicia January 31, 2003
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A Kiwi drink called Lemon and Paeroa or L&P for short.
Basically Sprite but with like lemon syrup that makes it different. Idk its hard to explain
"Hey can I get a medium L&P please?"
by lilhori June 23, 2018
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