kaget is probably on of those guys who dated a jasmine..... and mst jasmines are hot af.
kaget is so smexyyy.
by therigood November 23, 2020
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Similar to the term "Faggot" the word "Kagete" means someone of homosexual persuasion. They often like to receive anal rather then give blow jobs.
Joey is such a Kagete, all he wants from me is Anal! I would enjoy a little on the side.
by Kobti February 2, 2007
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People named kaget are sweet lovable people he can be a player and he is always horny. Kaget probebly dated a girl named jasmine. cuz jasmine is a charming girl and i bet she begged for him back.
Girl 1: hey kaget is so adorable jasmine is so lucky to have him
Girl 2: are you jelous do u like him
Girl 1: no kaget is "ugly "
Girl 2: mmk
by therigood November 23, 2020
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