used like pig latin and attached to the end of words. Popularized by Snoop Dogg.
by choadtoad January 20, 2003
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Izzle - A complicated but easy to learn language founded by Snoop Dogg. Most Commonly takes the end of the word and adds izzle.
Ex. Shit becomes Shizzle, Fuck becomes Fizzle. Try Experimenting with different words, and then try to understand this: Shut the fizzle up you chicken hizzled Bitch!

Solution: Shut the fuck up you chicken headed bitch.

If you understood this, you now know "Izzle Language."
by PainFace April 18, 2004
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A suffix normally added to words after removing the last letter. It does not change the general definition. Commonly used by black people and Snoop Dogg.
by XeroHedgehog June 1, 2004
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noun forming suffix - a suffix used to make a verb into a noun, demonstrating the characteristics of that verb. Used most in the forms of shizzle and hizzle. Shizzle when used in connection with the words "for" or "fo" means the english word sure./"Off the hizzle fo shizzle my nizzle!"
by Fangsta April 29, 2003
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A white girl, cool, gangster, but yet not black.
Guy: Hey, i see you brought along some izzles wit u."
by izzlefoshizzle July 5, 2006
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what the rapper snoop dog adds to every word he possible can in order to make his crpapy songs rhyme.
by jon-o October 7, 2005
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For some reason nickelodeon tries to be "cool" by having a Winizzle.
Winstantly win in the winizzle! X_X
by Zizzy November 20, 2003
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