A "Becky" is a blowjob, a "Helga" is a handjob.
Dude i went on a date with this girl and i got a Helga in the movie theater, It was the best Helga i have ever gotten before.
by Boogieman Gemma July 29, 2010
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Jesus reborn as a girl who likes having sex with goats
by Chayimushkibeepbeep March 21, 2017
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Rumor has it that a guy woke up after a college party (in Germany) to find that his girlfriend had left him for another man. And in his stupor, he wandered around the campus calling "Helga?!" Slang in Germany for an "easy" female. Often times over heard toward the end of parties or as the evening winds down. Single males may exclaim "Helga?" trying to get some action before the night is through... this IS a last ditch effort.
in a crowd... "HELGA?!"
by gnukner September 26, 2007
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The second ugliest girl's name ever, next to Olga.
Person A: You know that girl you really like? What's her name?
Person B: Helga
Person A: She's ugly, isn't she?
Person B: How do you know? You've never seen her before
Person A: Because her name is Helga.
by Lordsamiam May 8, 2007
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Mr. Henry's senior prom date was so ugly, she was the definition.
Yo momma is so helga!

Oh man, your senior prom date is just butt helga!
by EvilTwinKatie2 December 7, 2010
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Hell good, really good, great, so good its helga's
Yo this shits helga's, the bread has to be Helga's because it tastes helga's
by Saltypirate23 September 8, 2020
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desperate or thirsty

This word was created in reference to the character Helga Pataki in the (1996) Nickelodeon cartoon "Hey! Arnold" who is madly in love with the main character Arnold. Arnold is oblivious to Helga's love despite her constant admiration for him.
Girl 1: "Oh my gosh, Jerry keeps trying to wife me up and I already told him I'm not into him like that!"
Person 2: "Wow, that nigga's helga."
by vtygng August 21, 2013
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