The female analog of a weed carrier. A lesser and often disposable assistant to a female or member of her entourage.
Nicole Richie made a decent living as Paris Hilton's wig handler on the Simple Life.

Destiny's Child are glorified wig handlers for Beyonce.
by Darrell Johnson August 27, 2007
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Sally: Ugh. Tammy's making those stupid jokes again that aren't even funny. She's acting like Chelsea Handler.
by ieatmarshmallows December 18, 2010
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One who plays with his own scrotum (for personal entertainment or otherwise); someone who cannot keep from performing adjustments to his genetalia. See bagyanker.
He either needs to get some pants that fit better or maybe he can get a job at the airport. He's such a baggage handler! Would he be handling other people's bags? Fag.
by Satchel Page July 27, 2003
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1: someone that handles produce in a grocery store.
2: someone that goes around fingering all the veggies at said grocery store
3: someone who gasms at the thought of a fruit being shoved into an orifice of their body.
4: a person that goes around town naked screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" with a feather up their bunhole && an ugly birthmark of donald trump doing the hula on their right side that sticks potatoes or similar shaped produce up other peoples tushes. then invites them to KFC where they eat it out with a spork.
1: The guy that works at giant is a produce handler.
2: That woman that goes around feeling up all the veggies before she puts em in her little blue basket is quite the produce handler.
3: Theres a woman n france that handles produce like a professional would ;
4: Im not so sure but that producehandler this week is quite good at what he does.
by MeaghanLiz March 5, 2008
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Individual tasked with maintaining control of a single tard while outside the confines of the retard school. Their duties mostly revolve around keeping the tard from going full retard and unleashing their retard strength on the public. Usually the number of handlers to the tard is an excellent indicator of a retard's strength. A one to one ratio would indicate a low strength retard whereas two handlers to one tard indicates a super strength retard.
The Secret Service is made up of the nation's most elite and well trained retard handlers.
by Carlos SpicyWeiner September 9, 2013
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The hand like hooves of an obese person. Often including an opposable digit. To aid in the handling of hams, or the operation of mobility scooters.
Look at at the ham handlers on that! She really looks like she knows how to handle a ham.
by Escobar Marineros August 27, 2020
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