A currently unpopular GameFAQs word.

Not allowed: g-r-i-s, gr*s, g***, 9|-1$, girs, gryeeeas, grizznizz, **** (rhymes with "bris")
Allowed: ****, ****ed, ****ing, g'ed, g-word
1) He really grisses me off.
2) Gris you!
by pony slaystation January 12, 2004
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Gr*s, G***, grizznizz.
by Deku Kirby August 30, 2003
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Gimme a pinch of gris.
Hey, man, pass the gris.
by scary J funk April 16, 2004
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a slut who thinks that all of her friends hate her..and guess what? THEY DO! cause she talks about people non stop, then lies about it!
gris :"hey - _____ is so gay, i hate her - what a slut"
a girl :"um not really but sort of i guess.."

20 minutes later...

gris:"hey guess what - this girl was calling you a slut! and i was trying to defend you and stuff...but she was sooo mean"
another girl "what a bitch! glad you're nice enough to tell me!"

by lalalalalala March 11, 2003
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A gris-gris is used in Voodoo as an amulet or talisman that supposedly brings good luck or keeps bad luck away.
Wear this gris-gris to bring you good luck and keeps away the bad.
by Angel of the Morning March 2, 2020
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A voodoo term, referring to a powerful spell.
My ex-wife put the gris-gris on my love life; I can't seem to get a date.
by Geek Girl September 29, 2004
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a voodoo curse. The term gris-gris is most often used by Cajuns.
I stole $5 from that old woman and she had a gris-gris put on me!
by Madeline Trubeau January 26, 2005
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