verb - To Gorby is to block someone from reversing putting them directly in the line of fire of the enemy in the game World of Tanks
I was playing World of Tanks last night and I got a shot onto the Deathstar and then when I tried to reverse back into cover I couldn't because some shitter on my team gorbied me giving the Deathstar time to one shot me.
by 69Fabian69 March 11, 2020
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A nickname for Michael Gorbachev, the first and last President of the USSR in 1985—1991.
Gorbie was the leader of a nation.
by enhydra March 7, 2009
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Australian slang for a huge splat of saliva, preferrably on somebody's face. Lads and related animals spit them at innocent bystanders.
Lad: Eshays brah! Let's spit a gorbie at that bitch, ey!
by RPG Fangirl March 28, 2010
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Noun, A dim-witted tourist. A term derived from the resort town of Jasper, Alberta.
by hugonaught June 25, 2010
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One of the inbred natives of Shaw, near Oldham, UK. Features include varying numbers of fingers, toes, limbs and eyes. A 'Gorby Virgin' defined as someone faster than their uncle.
Royton Man #1, "I once went out with a girl from Shaw. She took me back to her house and said, 'This is me mam and sister'. There was only one person stood there."
Royton Man #2, "Fucking Gorbies."
by The Strut September 29, 2004
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A skier tool with no clue about whats up either in your way on the hill or talking shit at the afterski bar. Usually shows up at your local ski resort on the weekend, headbands and gay sunglases are common atire for these straight up losers.
"Is that David Hasselhof in a fag bag, what a fucking gorby"
by Fredrik and tripple D February 1, 2005
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A person who sucks at snowboarding. An acronym for Guy On Rental Board.
"Dude, these goddamn gorbys are always in my way!"
by Jimmy Jazz February 11, 2005
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