An unambiguous number that represents a 1 followed by 9 zeros (1,000,000,000). Equivalent to American "Billion" and European "Milliard"
I have a thousand million things to do!" "You mean a gillion things to do!
by Zyxuvius November 13, 2010
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A unit of counting that equals a billion million.

The cardinal number equal to 1000000 × 1000000000
At the age of 42, I will have a gillion dollars in the bank.
by Geremology May 10, 2005
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i have like a gillion shoes with holes in them
by steezy(chris p) March 19, 2009
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The amount of money that anyone named Gil has.
I just got paid today, now I have $700 gillion dollars.
by Gilty30 January 27, 2011
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a type of number with 100 zeros
i walke to the milbar and bought a gillion icypoles
by king November 8, 2003
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Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep, The One, Singer/Songwriter for Gillian and the Tidestriders, Paramount Champion, Slayer of Evil, Definistrator of the Adulterers, Horse Tamer, Knighter of Julian That One Time, Fish, Dirt Eater, Beater of Ass, Eater of Grass, Fishie. (As of March 2022.)
A great hero played by Charlie Slimecicle on the DnD podcast Just Roll With It.
My favorite Riptide Pirate is Gillion Tidestrider.
by Jasonthefricker March 7, 2022
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A god like figure that is the manifestation of all that is gnar; the most commonly prayed to deity of all religons; known by all for his blood lust, void like aura of non emotion, and unparalleled guitar playing skills. His life long mate is also origined from the gods, and is known for her seductive beauty and epic blunt rolling. It is said that reality was shredded into existence through his hardcore guitar riffs on the legendary Gibson Les Paul (referred to as "pegasus"). Theologists claim Jimi Hendrix sold his soul to Lord Rinnie in exchange for Gillion-like abilities on the musical "Ax". His origins are shrouded in mystery and secrecy. He was created by a being known as "the rogue Ron". A being so ancient and enlightened, he does not exist on this plane of reality.
Me and, my grandmother used to walk these country roads with good ol' Rinnie Gillion.

In the name of Rinnie Gillion, amen.

May the Rinnie be with you.
by follower of the almighty Rin January 22, 2011
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