1: Combination of foolish and noob (newbie). Insulting term used to convey inexperience and idiocy.

2: Conjuncative of "fucking noob". Insulting term used to scorn inexperience. Usually used in competative games.

3: Combination of fool and boob. Used to denote foolish behaviour.

4: Fat boobs. Nuff said.
1:"Man you're such a foob."
2:"You Goddam Foob! You made me lose a point!"
3:"Don't be such a foob."
4:"Mmmm bouncy foobs."
by The_Gremlin October 28, 2007
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the image: you see what appears to be the fleshy breasts ...of oh wait, a man? wait, that isnt a chest!


simply, fat + boobs = foobs

the fleshy breast like rolls of fat on backs and near the shoulder blades, even on the side, or stomach, depending on the number of lumps...
Mrs. Lavine wore a blue dress that showed all her foobs.


that kid's foobs just rubbed past me in the hallway; they were even all sweaty and wiggly.
by bob sherman September 10, 2004
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not quite fat, but not quite a boob, a weird combonation of the two.
Put your Shirt back on, i don't want to see your foobs.
by FOOB MASTER November 10, 2004
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Used in reference to breasts on a woman comprised mainly of fat. i.e. If she were to change genders, the boobs would remain more or less the same size.
Raf: Dude look at the tits on Jessica!

Pete: What are you talking about man? She's a whale; those are foobs!
by Stongbah July 12, 2006
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slang for someone who's a fool/boob
"Bobby is such a FOOB! can you believe he looked at the answers on cathy's test while the teacher was looking?!"
by jelimi May 28, 2004
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