A pile of sleeping hippies usually seen during an English festival or street party.
"Dude, there were so many flops of hippies there you'd think it was a sleeping festival rather than a block party."
by GriffinRules.Com September 11, 2011
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to insert a tablet of ecstacy into your anus
Pete flopped at the party last night
by charlesmonroe January 24, 2005
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Random people staying in your room/house/apartment that you may or may not know, but you most certainly did not invite them to sleep.
Why the hell are there so many flops in here?!?!
by Denki December 13, 2003
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To have sex with someone; a substitute word for beat. (Usually used when one brags to a friend)
"Yo did you ever chiil with Brianna?"
"Yeah, she let me flop the other night!"
by Cee Rock December 6, 2007
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He is such a cum-faced flopnocker
by Johnny December 8, 2003
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