Why does it burn when I pee ??

Must have been that snatch fest last night
by Jr jr August 12, 2021
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in uno when you put down cards of the same number down and it starts a chain
hey are you going to put down a seven too? lets start a uno fest!
by unofestsarereal November 26, 2020
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That rare golden opportunity where an attractive single mother has a few moments to take care of herself with a battery-powered apparatus. Only happens when the kids are sound asleep or on a play date. To be used only in the absence of a live dong. It is a beautiful thing.
1. (A). “Did you see all the batteries in Shiela’s shopping cart? What do you think she’s up to?”
(B). “Well, the kids are at their Dad’s and her boyfriend’s out of town. You do the math.”
(A). “DAMN!! Our girl must be planning an epic Vib Fest!!”

2. “Brrrrrr, Brrrrrr, Brrrrrr, what's that sound? Little Mami’s got a Vib Fest goin’ on down.”
-“Battery-Powered Boi” by the West Side Hustlers
by westsidehustlers April 2, 2020
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A saying that many will say when they mean to say "Fuck West." Referring to Madison West High School in Wisconsin. No one is worse at sports than the toe sucking faggots called the Regents. #Wuck Fest
by West Sucks December 18, 2018
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The end of the week when you finally get to grab your sexual interest and do your thing together.

More bluntly put; go out with your interest, down some drinks, listen to some music and fuck each other's brains out all night.
Chick 1: "where were you last night?"
Chick 2: "you kidding, it was Fuck Fest Friday! We were in every room!"
Chick 1: "ooh nice!"
by Lady LvDead March 13, 2022
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A word use describe a large amount of dudes at a party or gathering
by Sc69734 November 4, 2020
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Not to be confused with the common sausage fest, a burrito fest is to be held as the highest standard for penis gauging, and sizing. One places a fully loaded 5 layer burrito around his cock to check for length and stench retention. If he ejaculates upon entry it has been long told that he is now a man, and is ritualized similarly to a bar mitzvah. Once the ritual has been completed and the man has finished inside the 5 layer burrito all of the previously initiated men release their semen into the burrito. It is usually only 2 other men. Making it a 7 layer burrito. He then eats the burrito.
Fin was about to become a man! But he backed out on his burrito fest because it was quote “too gay”

Jimmy-dude fin the burrito fest was the greatest thing to ever happen to me! I got to make a 5 layer burrito into a 7 layer burrito, then eat it!

Fin-dude you’re gay.
by The man bro December 6, 2020
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